Warm Season

Thrive in Hot Climates with Warm Season Forage Grasses

Our Warm Season Forage Grasses are perfect for summer grazing, providing high yields during hot, dry conditions when cool season grasses struggle. These grasses are resilient, drought tolerant, and offer excellent grazing opportunities for livestock in the warmest months of the year.

Warm Season Crop Products

Mix NameSeeding Rate (# / acre)Key IngredientsDescription
Hay and Pasture Plus Mix20-2530% Smooth Bromegrass, 20% Tekapo Orchardgrass, 20% Profit Orchardgrass, 10% Oahe Intermediate Wheatgrass, 10% Manska Pubescent Wheatgrass, 10% Duo FestuloliumProven Nebraska performer with a mixture of orchardgrass, bromegrass, and wheatgrass for grazing or hay production.
Midwest Grazer Mixture20-2530% Tekapo Orchardgrass, 30% Meadow Bromegrass, 20% Goliath Tall Fescue, 10% Feast II Italian Ryegrass, 10% Duo FestuloliumBlend of grasses including tall fescue, ryegrass, and orchardgrass for grazing capability and summer production.
Multipurpose Mix20-2530% Tekapo Orchardgrass, 30% Meadow Bromegrass, 20% Goliath Tall Fescue, 10% Duo Festulolium, 5% Alfalfa, 3% Medium Red Clover, 2% Legacy White CloverMultipurpose mix with added legumes for increased feed value.
Renovator Special Mix20-40 (3-10 for Alfalfa Renovation)50% Duo Festulolium, 25% Crave Tetraploid Perennial Ryegrass, 25% Feast II Short-rotation RyegrassDesigned for pasture or alfalfa renovation, includes quick-growing ryegrasses.
Premium Hay Mix20-2525% Profit Orchardgrass, 25% Meadow Brome, 20% Crave Perennial Ryegrass, 20% Manska Pubescent Wheatgrass, 10% Duo FestuloliumOutstanding hay mixture with excellent drought tolerance and quick establishment.
Show Horse Classic25-3030% Tekapo Orchardgrass, 25% Meadow Bromegrass, 20% Crave Tetraploid Perennial Ryegrass, 15% Timothy, 10% Feast II RyegrassHorse pasture mix with orchardgrass, ryegrass, and Timothy for palatability and feed value.
Show Horse Plus25-3025% Tekapo Orchardgrass, 25% Meadow Bromegrass, 20% Crave Tetraploid Perennial Ryegrass, 15% Timothy, 10% Feast II Ryegrass, 3% Medium Red Clover, 2% Legacy White CloverSimilar to Show Horse Classic, but with added legumes for higher feed value.

Warm Season Planting Guide

Warm Season GrassesSeeding Rate #/albs/BuAvg Seeds/lbSeeding DateDays to Germinate
Big Bluestem10-12 PLS10-15165,0004/1-5/1514-21
Blue Grama12-14 PLS10825,0004/1-5/1514-21
Buffalograss65-80 PLS2040,0004/1-5/1514-21
Indiangrass10-12 PLS10-15175,0004/1-5/1514-21
Little Bluestem7-8 PLS10-15260,0004/1-5/1514-21
Sand Bluestem14-16 PLS10-15113,0004/1-5/1514-21
Sand Dropseed0.5-1.0 PLS605,300,0004/1-5/1514-21
Sand Lovegrass1-2 PLS601,300,0004/1-5/1514-21
Sideoats Grama10-12 PLS10191,0004/1-5/1514-21
Switchgrass5-7 PLS60390,0004/1-5/1514-21

Custom Mixes

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