Turf Grasses

Turf Grasses for Every Lawn, Field, and Landscape

We offer a wide range of high-quality turf grasses tailored for various climates, soil types, and purposes. Whether you’re looking for a durable grass for heavy traffic areas or a drought tolerant option for dry climates, our turf grass varieties provide the solution.

Grass TypeSeeding Rate (lbs/1000 ft²)Primary UseDescription
Bentgrass1-2Golf greensForms a dense mat, spreads by creeping stolons. Shallow-rooted, thrives in cool, humid environments. Tolerates short mowing heights of ¼ to ½ inch.
Fine Fescue4-6Shady lawns, drought areasAdds shade and drought tolerance to turf mixtures. Finer blade width than tall fescues.
Chewings Fescue4-6Sandy, low-fertility soilsProvides shade tolerance and drought resistance. Less wear tolerant than other fescues. Grows well in sandy or low-fertility soils. Mow at 1 ½ inches.
Creeping Red Fescue4-6Shady lawnsDeep green, narrow blades, thrives in shady and cool areas. Can be seeded alone where bluegrass doesn’t grow well.
Hard Fescue4-6Shady, salt-exposed areasHardiest of the fine fescues, salt-tolerant, slow-growing, and disease-resistant. Blue-green color.
Tall Fescue6-10Drought, heat-prone lawnsBunchgrass that is drought and heat tolerant. Newer varieties have improved disease resistance and finer blades. Good for high-traffic areas when mixed with bluegrass.
Kentucky Bluegrass2-4Primary lawn grassForms dense sod, shallow-rooted, requires 1 inch of water per week. Recovers well after dormancy in heat stress but is slow to establish.
Perennial Ryegrass4-7Athletic fields, golf coursesQuick to germinate and establish. High disease and insect resistance. Usually seeded with bluegrass and fescue. Excellent for high-traffic areas due to quick recovery.
Annual Ryegrass7-10Temporary erosion controlShort-lived, quick to germinate and establish. Useful in areas where erosion is a problem during the establishment of slower-growing grasses like bluegrass.

Turf Planting Guide

Red Fescue
Seeding Rate
lbs / 1000 ft2
Mowing Height1-3″1-3″1-2″2-4″2-4″2-4″2-4″1/4-1/2″
Seeds per lb200,000250,0001,400,000225,000410,000385,000500,0006,500,000
Days to Germination7-107-1021-287-1010-1410-1414-2110-14
Growth HabitBunchBunchRhizomesBunchTillersBunchBunchStolons
Establishment RateFastFastMediumVery GoodMediumMediumSlowMedium
Leaf Blade Width1/8″1/8″1/8″1/6″1/25″1/25″1/25″1/8″
Shade ToleranceFairGoodFairVery GoodExcellentFairVery GoodFair
Heat ToleranceFairFairGoodVery GoodPoorVery GoodFairFair
Drought ToleranceGoodVery GoodGoodExcellentGoodGoodGoodPoor

Custom Mixes

Can‘t find what you’re looking for? We offer custom mixes. Call in today and let us find your perfect mix.